Thursday 29 January 2009

So Slack

I realised it's been a while since I blogged so thought I'd update you all.
Tan has been here for a month now and it's great to have her around, nothing like having your best mate next to you!
I've been working hard, many 6 day weeks and lots of funny tourist customers as its tourist season here.
Nearly have the house business sorted, only a couple of weeks to go (so the lawyers tell me).
We went to the beach on one of my days off a couple of weeks ago, it's so cool to be able to jump on the bus and go to the beach. We built sand sculptures and watched the waves crashing and the kids playing volleyball. I think I'm gonna try a bit of surfing at the local beach as the waves are perfect!
It's been lovely and warm here most days so I've been doing a ton of gardening which is great fun.
Hope you are all well and would love to hear from you!
Will blog soon.

Monday 24 November 2008

Sunday 16 November 2008

Venti Does NOT Mean Large!

One for all my fellow haters.

Mo Mite

Great ad campaign from Marmite over here. Re-branded as Mo-Mite and going whole hog on the moustache theme... Check out the website Mo-Mite

Xmas In The Sun

Today they put up the giant Santa and Rudolph near my work. It's still very odd what with it being warm and sunny and seeing all this xmas stuff. Hope it's not too cold for you northern hemispherians!


Just watched an articulated lorry (one with 2 trailers) make a perfect 3-point turn out the front of the house, man that would have taken the average british driver about 10 attempts! Poetry in motion... and no i'm not bored!

Friday 14 November 2008

Show Day

It's Show Day here in Canterbury and also the Canterbury Anniversary today. It's a local holiday but I is working :(
Basically the big day at the races and show, lets hope it's nice and quiet at work, a fair few places in the city are closed so it's possible!
Will have a look for a cheapy camera today so i can get some photos up.